Saturday, July 8, 2017

On the Path of Recovery - Day 11

Welcome back! I hope you all are enjoying your summer weekends. We received our first taste of the Sanoran Desert's 2017 Monsoon Season. We had a couple really good rain falls along with some high winds and rolling thunder. I must say... it is a nice change, although I'll be ready for it to be done and over with in a month or so.

Today was much like yesterday. My health really hasn't changed much from what I reported yesterday. My patience with this mucus is running REALLY low... like empty! It wouldn't be that big of a deal, except it prevents me from carrying on a conversation. I can't get a sentence out without having to spit into my cup. I desperately want to attend a work function on Monday evening, but... 1. I need a hair-cut... like SUPER BAD! and 2. I refuse to tag along with my boss in my dress blues to meet Arizona Congresswoman Martha McSally while I'm drooling all over myself. I know I can play the cancer card, but I have personal standards.

Well, since I don't have anything new to report... I figured I'd fill you in on some things I do through-out the day. I mostly watch T.V. We have a Smart T.V. which is hooked-up to the internet, so I get the option of movies on demand, Netflix, Hulu, Youtube, and Cox Cable. I usually spend the first hour or two watching the news. During this time, I receive my first tube feeding via a gravity bag. Once that is done, I usually watch a couple episodes of a Netflix series. Lately, I've been watching House of Cards and iZombie. A couple episodes in will be about the time I take-in my second tube feeding. Once my meal is done, I'm usually pretty exhausted. I'll then head upstairs for my first nap.

After my first nap, I'll return to my chair and begin watching YouTube videos. I've been following a few different vloggers whom are currently hiking the PCT. Each hiker will upload a bunch of videos each time they stop in a town for a resupply. It sounds crazy watching different hikers hike the same trail sections over and over again, but it really is fascinating how different each vlogger presents their experience. I mean... we're talking about 2600 miles worth of trail. Each video is only 15-20 minutes long. Sure there are some things that are captured by over and over again, but you would be surprised how different the videos are from one hiker to the next. Plus, I figured I'll know exactly what to do when it's my turn to make that journey.

I usually get tired again at some point and return upstairs for a second nap. Today I used this extra time to squeeze in a fourth tube feeding, bumping my daily calorie intake by another 450 calories.

Jess will normally wake me up around dinner time. She will eat dinner around 6:00, but I'll usually wait until 7:00 before I take-in my last meal for the night. I've noticed that if I eat too soon... I'll be extremely hungry in the morning... like, hunger pains! At 8:00, I relinquish the T.V. to Jess, who will then watch her shows while I come blog with you all. After I blog, I go upstairs, take a shower, and watch the evening news in bed until Jess comes in around 10:00.

I know it sounds pretty amazing... that's my life right now. Once this mucus issue is resolved, I'll make an attempt to increase my activity level. It's just annoying right now having to spit every couple seconds into a cup. The mucus seems to increase as my productivity level increases, so I've decided to just hang-tight. 

Well, feel free to leave me questions if there is anything you would like to know. You should know by now I'm an open book. Don't worry about offending me or being too intrusive. I've made the choice to share this experience, and want you all to know exactly what I'm dealing with.

Have a good Sunday.

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