Welcome back! I hope you all are doing well on this glorious Tuesday. If not, I hope your week makes a turn for the better tomorrow - Hump Day!
My day has been pretty good. I was much more productive today than I have been. I think a lot of my new found energy is coming from the extra bag of LH I've added to my daily meal intake. I guess I was starving my body to the point I felt like worthless crap everyday.
Anyways, I was a busy bee today. I went on a bike ride, a 1.5 mile hike, and cleaned my office. I had started my morning in front of the television, but decided I didn't want to do that anymore.
Health wise... I'm feeling pretty good. My back hurts a little bit, but I think that is fatigue from my increased activity level. I'm still spitting, but not nearly as much. There is very little mucus now... mostly just saliva. I think my biggest problem now is breaking the habit.
I haven't had any new developments in the taste department... bummer. I'm getting extremely anxious. I so badly want to start eating, but I know it is impossible when food tastes as fowl as it does now. Oh well. I've been told that when the taste returns... it happens quickly. I truly hope so...
So, there was something ironic that happened to me I would like to share. It has to do with eating! Some of you may have seen the picture of my new sleeping bag... I posted it on Instagram. Well, a guy here in Tucson saw my picture and decided to start following me. His Instagram name is: @foodiesoftucson. Well, this guy clearly knows nothing about me or my condition. His Instagram page is FULL of pictures of the most delicious looking dishes. I mean... the guy must know ALL the best places to eat in Tucson. As I was torturing myself browsing through his pictures, I couldn't help but to wondering why I couldn't have found this guy BEFORE I lost my taste. Anyways... I know it means nothing to most of you, but it was something I couldn't help chuckling at. I'm just happy I'm able to find humor in my misfortunes.
I have a follow-up appointment tomorrow at the radiation oncologist. I'm pretty excited to go in. I feel like its progress... even if it's just the doc telling me everything looks good.
Well... I hate that I'm leaving you with another short blog entry, but I don't know what else to tell you. I suppose short is better at this point on my journey. I guess we should leave it at that and thank our lucky stars that this blog isn't littered with bad news.
Have a good day tomorrow. Do something amazing. In fact... treat yourself to something special. Why... because you deserve it and you never know what hurdles you may face in the future that will prevent you from indulging. Don't just make the most of your day... make the most out of life!
Christopher, you are amazing. You are uplighting to many in such a difficult time in your life. Bless you.