Thursday, June 29, 2017

On the Path of Recovery - Day 2

Hello world.

Day two of recovery has been decent. To be honest... the only side effects I am dealing with are: sore throat, mouth sores, uncontrollable mucusitis, a stiff neck, and some ringing in my ears. My burnt neck is now just a hot mess of dry, peeling skin; no pain associated with it at all. I know the list of side effects may seem long, but to be honest... the sore throat is fine as long as I don't swallow. The mouth sores are a problem, but I have so many different mouth rinses with numbing agents that even the sores are rarely an issue. The mucusitis seems to be have a mind of its own... I'll elaborate more in a sec. I've gotten used to the stiff neck, as well as the ringing in my ears. So, really I'm dealing with some easily controlled pain and a crap ton of annoying mucus. Oh... as fatigue. I almost forgot that I'm constantly out of energy.

So, this mucus... I woke-up today with VERY little mucus. I worked-up one mouth full, spit it out, and I was done. I didn't feel as though I had to fight for my life... gasping for breaths as I choke and cough - all while fighting off the urge to throw-up. This did not happen this morning. I was stunned. Certainly I'm not already experiencing the decline of these side-effects after only two days?!?

Well, the mucus was under control for much of the day. I did spit-up some mucus once in awhile, but nothing outrageous like Wednesday was. If it stays like this... I'd be stoked.

As the day grew-on, the mucus began to develop more and more. I don't know what is driving it to produce, but I really want to find out. By the time Jess got home this afternoon, I was coughing up every five to ten minutes. Later in the evening, I was having these spats where I would cough and hack for a constant three to five minutes before feeling any sense of relief. Oh, this is not dry coughing or dry hacking. I am producing tons of mucus. My only guess is that I dehydrate at night, and as I re-hydrate throughout the day, the mucus production begins to increase. It makes sense to me... but, what the heck? What am I supposed to do, not hydrate? ...It might not be a bad idea... I've also noticed there are certain actions that the mucus fits as well. Talking is the biggest culprit. I don't know if it's the vibrations in my throat... or, I don't know. The other is swallowing. Even dry swallowing will sometimes initiate one of those mucus fits.

I don't know how this whole mucus thing sounds from the perspective of a reader, but I promise you... if you heard what goes on, you would be repulsed.

Today really hasn't been all that bad. Like I said... most of the torture came towards the afternoon. I relaxed for much of the day bouncing around Hulu and Netflix. When Jess got home, we ran to Walmart real quick so I could help her get some rock salt for our water softener. This evening, we sat down together to watch "America's Got Talent." Now, we're winding down and getting ready to call an end to this day.

Another one down and tomorrow is Friday...woohoo!

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