Sunday, June 25, 2017

The Final Stand - Day 42

Hi. I hope you all had another great weekend.

Today was a little scary. I woke-up this morning to an extremely sore throat. I could hardly swallow, which only improved slightly as the day progressed. Talking has become a bit of a chore. Not only am I choking on mucus, I am also experiencing some pain as I try to get words out. There were a couple times today where Jess couple not understand me after I repeated myself two or three times. It required me to nearly scream at her before she could understand me. I feel bad and hope she realizes I was not mad at her, but at the crappy situation I've found myself in.

The end cannot come soon enough. These silly side-effects are taking their toll on my morale. As if the sore throat isn't enough, I am also plagued with multiple side-effects which only further and/or enhance the pain. All this hacking and coughing is killing me. The sticky mucus disgusts me, as does the Aquaphor all over my neck... now so thick, shower water can no longer penetrate it. My skin is breaking out in both pimples and blisters. And, I'm exhausted. I get tired SO fast. Not sleepy tired, but full body exhausted within minutes of walking around.

The doctors warned me the damage caused my chemo and radiation will not begin to reverse itself for two to three weeks after treatments ends. In fact, it is highly likely my side-effects worsen before they get better. This is going to make for some extremely long weeks. It seems like I take notice to all my ailments more when I'm at home, so not having appointments to attend is going to draw my attention to all these side-effects that drive me nuts.

Anyways... we made through another weekend. This week will provide another huge milestone: completing the last of my treatments. I am grateful! Now for the hardest part... dealing with myself as my body continues on the roller-coaster. The light is there. The tunnel may be long yet, but at least there is a light. I must continue telling myself that.

On a lighter note... I can't express how thankful I am to all of you. Your prayers and well-wishes are greatly apprciated and provide me the strength I need to push-on.

Let's have a wonderful week, shall we?

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry doubt you are incredibly miserable. Good thing I have Jacee here with us, she is having the best time. She doesn't need to see her daddy in this condition. Love you so much sweetheart...hang in there.
