Sunday, June 4, 2017

The Final Stand - Day 21


Wow. I can not believe I have been in treatment for twenty-one days. Honestly, it seems like yesterday I was receiving my first round of chemo.What is ever crazier is that I've been able to captivate all of you for nearly four months now. Time sure does fly by when we're having fun.

Today was much like yesterday. I woke-up with the typical sore throat and dry mouth. I had a slight headache, but that went away once I got out of bed and started moving around.

I experienced something today that I never in my life would have imagined. Bacon nearly made me barf. Jess made breakfast for all the "oral eaters" this morning, which included bacon. The smell of the bacon was making my stomach turn... and not in a good way. In fact, I noticed that the smell of most foods today made me feel slightly uneasy. It truly was depressing. My love for food is being spoiled by the fact my taste sensors are all messed-up. I don't understand the science behind it, but as my taste diminishes, my smell seems to be greatly effected. The things I used to find pleasant smelling are no longer appreciated. In case your wondering... bad things still smell bad.

My hair continues to fall out. I decided to go ahead and shave my face now to prevent my face from looking like a case of mange. There is no hiding the back of my head, but it only appears to go up a couple inches. I just got a haircut a couple days ago. If I knew my hair was going to fall out this soon, I would have had the stylist cut my hair a little closer to the skin. Oh well...

Well... I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Tomorrow starts week four for me: radiation Monday through Friday and chemotherapy on Tuesday.

On a side note. My friend Troy has put together a GoFundMe for his son Caleb. Caleb is a shining star of a young man that lives his life kicking Cerebral Palsy butt. He has recently been selected to receive a top notch service dog. This service dog will enable Caleb to live a more independent life, away from the constant constraints of a walker. I beg you to check out his story. I've added the link to the GoFundMe page, as well as some other links that will allow you to see how inspirational and deserving this young man is!

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