Today has been crummy. The sores in my mouth are getting out of hand. Painkillers are barely numbing the pain. The only thing that helps is to not move my mouth or tongue whatsoever. In fact... I've now written more words in this blog entry than I've spoken all day. I've used my rinses over and over again, but they only provide temporary relief. The mucus continues to haunt my day, and has become an agitator for the pain. With every clearing of my airway, I am reminded of the huge sore on the side of my tongue.
I can barely swallow. I've been trying all day long in fear of completely loosing the ability, but swallowing becomes increasingly difficult with each attempt. When I do swallow, it feels like bits of glass and sandpaper are scratching every bit of tissue on their way down.
My appointment went well today. I was called back quick, and left quick. I don't think there were but five words exchanged between the nurses and me. Luckily, they understand my situation and didn;t seem put-off by my rude nature.
I tried taking a nap today, but was unsuccessful. I was tired, but just couldn't sleep.
Tomorrow is my last treatment. Lets hope all goes well and that my recovery is swift.
Yay for tomorrow! Hope the light at the end of the tunnel will shine brighter soon.