Thursday, July 6, 2017

On the Path of Recovery - Day 9

Welcome back everyone!

Today is Thursday, but unlike most of my Thursdays, today has been pretty good. My day was uneventful, mostly filled with television and naps. I'm finding that this fatigue is getting worse by the day. But, you know what... I'll take fatigue over that mucus any day!

Speaking of mucus... my mucus issue has been reduced to an over-production of spit with the occasional slime ball being hacked up. I'm still spitting a lot out throughout the day, just not all the mucus it used to be. I've been drinking more water today, which no longer tastes like sewage.

I've been keeping a close eye on my tongue. It looks like I've got some taste buds growing back, but I haven't tested them out yet. I don't really know how I want to go about testing the little buggers out yet, but I'm anxious to eat real food again. I'm thinking I will wait until the spitting-up issue is resolved before I dive into the food.

My throat is still sore, but it is insignificant compared to what it was.

The only lingering issue is the sore on the side my tongue. I can tell it has healed a bit, bit when I agitate it... it lets me know.

As the big issues become little issues, I begin focusing my attention to other issues. The tinnitus in my ears may be worse than I thought. The ringing... although nearly faint... is constant and very noticeable when I focus my attention towards it. It is both ears, so at least my bad hearing is balanced. That is supposed to go away after a couple months.

This is day two of being off my medications. So far... so good! I haven't felt the need for them, and I had a bowel movement this morning.

I have a follow-up appointment on the 12th with my radiation oncologist. I'm looking forward to that appointment. It is one more appointment closer to putting this all behind me. Who knows... it may be the last time I see that doc!

Well... tomorrow is a new day. It's Friday... which means we all get to start our weekend. I'm going to get a haircut because I'm in desperate need of one.

My GoFundMe fundraiser is still active. In fact, I'm nearing the end! Thank all of you that have donated so far. If you would like to check out my fundraiser, please visit my GoFundMe site:

Have a swell Friday!

1 comment:

  1. Chris regarding tinnitus I started noticing it more 24 hours after stopping the Oranmorph, just wondering hope it is temporary. Off to walk the dog with my headphones on.
