Saturday, June 17, 2017

The Final Stand - Day 34

Happy Saturday!

Well, here we are again... another relaxing weekend. Today's R&R was greatly appreciated. I was hoping to sleep-in a little, but my stomach reminded me that it needed to be fed. Its funny how different liquid diets react to your body compared to solid diets. I'm still getting a ton of calories with each meal, but my body is able to process the food much quicker. And, because my body processes the food fast, I get hungry at a much higher rate.

Health wise, I am about the same today as I was yesterday. The mucus remains my toughest opponent, but the sore one the side of my tongue is making-up ground quickly. I am to the point now where I am actively trying not to move my tongue, even when talking. Swallowing is becoming more difficult, but I think a lot of that is because I've stopped trying. I really need to be careful not to neglect swallowing, but it is easy to do when you have a PEG tube. I am very happy I received the PEG. Some cancer patients chose not to get a PEG, or cannot get a PEG due to other medical issues. A week ago, I might have said I could do without it. Today is a whole different story.

I think I told you all that Jess drove me to REI so I could look around and drool over all the fancy backpacking equipment. Well, on that visit, I joined the REI membership program, which cost me twenty dollars. With that membership, I forever get a 20% discount, as well as, an invitation to their quarterly garage sales. These garage sales are full of "lightly" used merchandise that had been returned for whatever reason. The merchandise is then resold at SUPER low prices. Well, today was one of those garage sales. I was in no condition to go, but Jess offered to stop by to check it out. I gave her my REI wish-list in hopes she might find some gear at a killer price. She didn't find any camping gear, but she did find the trail runners I wanted. They were in my size, but not the exact color I wanted. Hey... they were 50% off, so I am not complaining!

Well... I think I'll end it here for today. I imagine tomorrow will be another day lounging around the house. I'm always monitoring all those social media sites, so don't be a stranger!

1 comment:

  1. REI also sends you a dividend card once a year. The amount depends on how much you spend. Our last one was $25 so covered the membership fee.
