Saturday, June 24, 2017

The Final Stand - Day 41

Hello fellow warriors!

Well, we are one day down with one day left before this weekend is in the books. Normally, I'd want my weekends to drag by nice and slow, but my weekends are not filled with thrills and frills. Plus, my last two cancer treatments are next week, and I can't wait to get them over with. I can't start the healing process until the treatments are complete... so lets get to it!

Today was okay. I woke-up choking on mucus... to the point I began throwing-up. And, because I hadn't eaten, the only thing that came up was bile. The good thing is, because my throat already hurts... the bile doesn't leave me with that burning sensation. The glass is always half full!

Other than the initial hiccup, my day went pretty smoothly. I was very lazy today... spending most my time watching T.V. from my bed or the couch. I've had to hack-up the occasional mucus ball, but other than that... pretty easy stuff. I will say that my swallowing is getting extremely difficult. I made it a point to take more sips of water today than I normally would, but the difficulty went unchanged. I've also developed my first little blister on my burned neck. To help avoid any pain, I am now lathering on the Aquaphor and wearing a tank-top.

I weighed myself today. The scale said I was 213. This is the lightest I've been in a long time. I started this journey weighing 235 pounds, so I'm down 22. The whole weight loss thing is tricky. If I would have started this journey at a healthy weight, then any weight lost would be bad. I was WAY over my recommended weight (40 lbs) when I started this journey. If I were doing anything other than fighting cancer... loosing this weight would be a fantastic accomplishment. The fact is... while fighting cancer, I need to maintain as much weight as I can. I'm not nearly as active as I should be, so some of the weight I am loosing is from muscle mass. While I would like to be 200 lbs... I know it is not in my cards right now. I need to be careful!

So, that's all I have for today. Nothing exciting really happened and there weren't any major medical changes to report. I hope you all continue to have a wonderful weekend. I will continue to dream of being on the trails!

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